Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ever since that hurtful incident that destroyed my last entry.. its been more than a month since i click BLOGGER in my favorites. HahA..
A level results are out.. got exactly what i wanted.. but feel that maybe i can do better.. hahaha..

Today's NUS open house.
i'm going to find out about what they can offer me if i wanna take dietetics..
i'm still considering that go US option... and going to send my application out soon. but the oine thing i need is financial backup.. which i dun have..! and if i'm unable to provide information on my financial backup, they're unable to process my application...!!! how how how??? i was told that they only require 1 month to process applications.. meaning if i apply now, i'll get to know if i'm accepted before NUS/NTU's results are out, which is good... incase there's very little time for me to accept the offer from NUS/NTU..... WHAT SHOULD I DO...?!!!

Ruth's getting married today..
i'm so excited..!!!! can't wait to see her in her wedding dress.. hehehehe.. =D

i finally updated my blog! Lolx..
ciAo LiAoz~